Feng Shui common sense that the bathroom needs to pay attention to

In the home feng shui, the bathroom feng shui must not be underestimated! It is related to the health and fortune of the family. The toilet and the toilet can not be located in the center of the house according to the direction of the Luoshu. The central part belongs to the earth, and the bath and toilet is water. If the water closet is placed in the central position of the soil, the problem of the soil water will occur. The toilet is located in the center of the house. Water supply and drainage may pass through other rooms. Maintenance is very difficult, and it is even more annoying if the sewage pipe passes through other rooms. The bathroom is a must in the home, and its layout has a lot to do with climate, economic conditions, culture, living habits, family composition and so on.

1. The taboo of the bathroom wind water

1. Toilets with acne and long sores: According to the principle of traditional Chinese family theory, the direction of the toilet should not be the same as the direction of the house. For example, if the direction of the house door is facing south, then when the person sits on the toilet, if the face is also Towards the south, it is the taboo of the toilet and the house. It is said that it is easy to cause the family to suffer from sore. Of course, I did not carefully investigate the situation of the sputum in the actual survey, but I can still avoid it.

2. Water and fire not tolerate the toilet: Many Feng Shui schools believe that the toilet should not be located in the south of the house. In fact, this is also related to the direction of the Eight Diagrams. The south is away from the raft, the five elements are fire, and the five elements of the bathroom are water. The water-based bath and toilet is located in the south of the fire. The toilet is restrained by the fire. It is just as old as the eight-character rush, so it is also unlucky.

3. Closed-type toilets that affect health: Some residential toilets are fully enclosed, have no windows, only exhaust fans, and the exhaust fans are not always open. According to the theory of family theory, there must be a window in the bathroom. It is best to have plenty of sunshine and air circulation. The reason is very simple, so that the turbidity in the bathroom is easier to discharge and keep the air fresh. If it is completely closed and lacks ventilation equipment, it is definitely not good for family health. The use of some air fresheners only changes the taste of the air and does not improve the quality of the air.

4. The most murderous toilets Many feng shui classics mentioned that the toilet should not be located in the southwest or northeast: I think that the toilets are located in these two places, but they can't say why, making the average person inexplicable. In fact, this is determined by the ambiguity of the Eight Diagrams. The northeast is the 艮卦, the southwest is the 卦 卦, and its nature belongs to the earth, while the bath and toilet are water, and the water bath is located in the soil. When Fang Fang and Kun Fang, the unfavorable image of Tuoke Water will occur, so it is determined to be a big murderer. With regard to the orientation of the toilet, the rules are quite complicated.

5. The position of the toilet that affects luck In addition to the north and northeast orientations, the toilets in the southwest orientation are also fierce: if you want to move, you can only move from the west to the northwest. The south is the direction of lighting, and if the toilet occupies this position, it may affect luck. Western toilets are not very good, but as long as there is no next year, or a girl who is married, there is no need to worry.

6. Bathtub embedded in the bathtub that is easy to cause endocrine system diseases: Bathtub embedded in the bathroom that is easy to cause endocrine system diseases Some friends like to build a basin in the bathroom when decorating the bathroom. The basin is one or two above the ground. Steps, then embed the bathtub in the basin, to be honest, this pattern is very beautiful, but it is best not to use this pattern in the bathroom set in the bedroom, because according to the principle of Chinese traditional family theory, the floor of the bathroom can not The floor above the bedroom, especially the position of the tub, can't have a feeling of being high above. The Five Elements theory believes that the water is flowing downwards, which is a run-down, long-term living in a bedroom moistened with water, which is prone to endocrine system diseases. If you really like this built-in tub, you can place it in another bathroom that is far from the bedroom.

7. The toilet is located on the edge of the corridor. The big murder: If you have a long corridor in your home, pay attention to the relationship between the corridor and the bathroom. The toilet should only be located on the side of the corridor, not in the corridor. At the end of the day, this is a kind of indoor road flushing. It is a fierce elephant to be washed straight into the corridor, which is extremely harmful to the health of the family.

8. The toilet and the toilet cannot be located in the center of the house according to the direction of the Luoshu: the central part belongs to the earth, and the bath is a water. If the water bath is located in the central part of the soil, the problem of the soil water will occur. . The toilet is located in the center of the house. Water supply and drainage may pass through other rooms. Maintenance is very difficult, and it is even more annoying if the sewage pipe passes through other rooms. The center of the house is like the heart of a person. It is vital that the heart is hidden. Can it be called a house?

9. Villa bathroom: Some villa buildings or some compound houses. When the occupants are decorating, they usually only consider the matching between the rooms in the floor plane, but ignore the relationship between the upper and lower floors, but in the “home phase” In the middle, the relationship between the upper and lower layers is also very important. For example, if the toilet is pressed against the bedroom, it is a terrible house. The turbidity of the bathroom drops into the bedroom. How can the body of the living room be better?

2. The location of the bathroom should not be established

There must be a bathroom at home, and some large-sized houses have more than one bathroom. For example, the size of a house with a floor area of ​​more than 100 square meters is basically a three-bedroom and two-bedroom apartment. Therefore, the feng shui of the bathroom must also attract enough attention. There are three bathrooms in the large area, and even four bathrooms, and the bathroom in the layout of the building is not in the minority.

In Feng Shui, the bathroom is considered to be an unreasonable gas, and it is a gathering place for sickness, evil spirits and filth. At the same time, the toilet belongs to the up and down ventilation and the up and down flow of sewage. The Feng Shui thinks that this is a symbol of not gathering gas and venting money. In the home Feng Shui, there are several positions that are quite important. Therefore, if the bathroom is in the position of these Geely, you will definitely bring disadvantages. How can the fortune be good?

1. The toilet should not be opened in the southwest: in the southwest direction of the house in the Eight Diagrams, Kunyu is the information of the hostess in the home. The bathroom in this location is definitely not good. It will produce a female body, career or relationship. Unfavorable influence, we know that the bathroom is generally incapable of moving and can only be resolved. Therefore, in this position, there is a bathroom in the home that can be used to hang a pair of lighted plant gourds in the bathroom to collect gas.

2, the toilet should not be opened in the northeast: in the northeast of the house in the gossip is the 艮卦, 艮卦 is the fortune for the next 20 years in the home, this location has a bathroom is definitely not good, for the family's body, career or fortune will There are adverse effects. We know that the bathroom is generally incapable of moving and can only be resolved. Therefore, in this position, there is a bathroom in the home that can be used to hang a pair of lighted plant gourds in the bathroom to collect gas.

3, the toilet should not be opened in the northwest: in the northwest of the house in the gossip is the 乾卦, 乾卦 is the information representing the male owner of the home, this location has a bathroom is definitely not good, for the male body, career or husband and wife relationship will be generated Unfavorable influence, we know that the bathroom is generally incapable of moving and can only be resolved. Therefore, in this position, there is a bathroom in the home that can be used to hang a pair of lighted plant gourds in the bathroom to collect gas.

4, the toilet should not be opened in the south: in the south of the house in the gossip is away from the hustle and bustle, the five elements away from the hustle and bustle belong to the fire, and the five elements of the bathroom belong to the water, from the fifth line, it is just the water and fire, the five elements are not good. It is easy to cause family disasters to occur. We know that the bathroom is generally incapable of moving and can only be resolved. Therefore, in this position, there is a bathroom in the home that can be used to hang a pair of lighted plant gourds in the bathroom to collect gas.

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