9 creative desk recommendations make work easy

Xiao Bian reviews: Wooden desks with thick black can make users sink to work, and powerful storage function provides plenty of space.

The long strips of desks are suitable for narrow and long flats. Half of the desks are work areas. Half of the desks are TV cabinets. The two functions are combined into one, which saves space.

Desk study room design space glass simple home improvement modern minimalist style fashion simple style glass table

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Gas-actuated fastening tool for interior finishing applications


  • Gas Technology – Fuel Injection
  • No License Required
  • Easy push down force
  • Battery "OFF" position
  • Magazine Capacity: 30-Pin Magazine
  • DC 7.4v Li-ion battery platform shared with other NANSHAN gas actuated tools
  • Fastener length range:  40mm maximum
  • Drives 1000 fasteners with a single gas can

Gas Actuated Tool Gcn40

The GCN40 Gas Actuated Tool has more power than the competition. 

More power equals better performance in steel to steel and hard aggregate concrete applications.


  • Widely used in the installation of aluminum alloy and plastic steel windows and doors
  • Interior decoration and cable fixings
  • Available for the frequent and repeated fastening jobsite, and top or ceiling installation

Gas Nailer

Gas Actuated Tool,Gas Nailer Gun,Ramset Gas Nailer,Gas Fastening Nail Gun

Sichuan Nanshan Powder Actuated Fastening System Co., Ltd. , https://www.nanshanpat.com