Experts inventory eight major renovation of second-hand housing

Due to the high prices, many buyers choose to buy second-hand houses. Relative to the new house decoration, second-hand housing decoration, old house decoration, old house decoration is a system project, no matter there is no small difference in design and construction. If you want to optimize, it is indeed a "learning." Experts in the industry summed up some experiences and put forward the “eight optimization” principles of second-hand house decoration, old house decoration, and old house decoration to provide reference for friends who need to do second-hand house decoration, old house decoration, and old house decoration.

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First, structural optimization
1, before the second-hand housing renovation, the old house renovation according to the actual situation of the house to carry out some structural layout optimization, the waste of space fully utilized;
2. Dismantle and renovate some partition walls (non-bearing walls), wall cabinets, top cabinets, etc. to increase and improve lighting and usage.
Second, waterway optimization
1, according to the shower, wash basins, toilets, washing machines, vegetable sinks, mop pool, water purifiers, electric water heaters, gas water heaters to increase the location of some inlet, outlet, drain outlet.
2. Replace the original old pipeline with a PPR pipe (preferably a PPR composite copper pipe) and replace it with a dark pipe.
3, the old valve is always closed, not only beautiful and not easy to use, it is best to replace the vacuum copper ball valve with reliable quality.

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