Han Geng's Simple Dwelling in Beijing

Han Geng’s family came to the author’s surprise and was not spacious in the two bedrooms. Han Geng originally enjoyed the “dwelling”.

Han Geng puts bookshelves in the living room

Han Geng's Residence

Recently, the reporter conducted an exclusive follow-up of Han Geng for eight hours. Han Geng also invited the reporter to come to his residence in Beijing.

Han Geng’s home was not spacious. The small came to the reporter’s expectations. Han Geng also enjoyed the “dwelling”. Han Geng also told reporters with interest in introducing various home furnishings and introduced his own pets: two chinchillas.

Living room like fan room

Ordinary two bedrooms, one living room, wooden floor, this is Han Geng's residence in a district of the North Fourth Ring. Even more amazing is that this simple house is just rented by Han Geng at 5,000 yuan per month. In this regard, Han Geng Said: "I live alone, not too much, two rooms and one hall is enough."

One door is a dozen square meters of large living room, looks more like a Han Geng fans room, the living room is full of fan club association banner, banners and promotional items, of course, Han Geng can't miss the photos of different periods, and All kinds of gifts presented by fans have been used as home accessories.

Star home room home space home decoration house decoration decoration living room elevator door small bedroom home accessories home furnishings decoration home bedroom lamp

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