Comprehensive utilization of fertilizer source to improve fertilization efficiency

In recent years, with the continuous expansion of chemical fertilizer application area, the problem of improper fertilization has gradually emerged. In order to reduce the input cost of chemical fertilizers and alleviate the negative impact of chemical fertilizers on the environment, one of the corresponding measures is to broaden the types of fertilizers and adopt scientific fertilization methods to improve the efficiency of fertilization.

Broaden the source of green fertilizer and make full use of grass. First, the front of the paddy field should advocate the restoration of green manure. Second, in front of dryland crops, 20-30% of bean crops are arranged. Dryland crops are ploughed for green manure before planting or intercropped with green manure, beans, peanuts and other legume crops. The third is to promote grass cover between dryland crops, so as to keep warm and protect water and water, reduce surface soil loss, and at the same time inhibit weed growth, prevent crop lodging, improve soil and increase fertilizer efficiency.

Balance fertilization according to the target output. Within a certain range of fertilization levels, the crop yield is positively related to the amount of fertilizer applied. If the total amount of fertilization is increased or the amount of single fertilization is increased, the ecological balance will be lost due to the nutrient environment, but the yield will be reduced. Therefore, it cannot be said that the more fertilizer is applied, the higher the yield. It has been determined that for every 100 kg of rice produced, 1.85 kg of nitrogen, 0.85 kg of phosphorus pentoxide and 2.1 kg of potassium oxide are absorbed from the soil. For every 100 kg of lint produced, it needs to absorb 12 kg of nitrogen, 4 kg of phosphorus pentoxide and 12 kg of potassium oxide. Only balanced fertilization can prevent the phenomenon of mutual gram of fertilizer and prevent blind increase of fertilizer input, so as to save costs.

Adhere to deep fertilization, to achieve water and fertilizer. Spreading fertilizers is not only volatile and pollutes the air, but also easily drains polluted waters. In production, it is necessary to adhere to the deep application of chemical fertilizers in order to protect the fertilizer with soil cover and reduce volatilization and loss. When the sensation is insufficient, it is necessary to properly irrigate the water and adjust the water to adjust the fertilizer. For example, when the evaporation amount is too large, the lack of cockroaches tends to lead to an increase in the concentration of liquid fertilizer, which causes fertilizer damage, and the release of fertilizer is suitable for the proper amount of fertilizer to fully exert the fertilizer effect, reducing consumption and waste.

Add organic fertilizer to enhance adsorption capacity. Although the organic fertilizers such as manure and compost produced by the farmer are released slowly, the nutrients are relatively complete and the adsorption capacity is strong. After the chemical fertilizer is mixed with the farm organic fertilizer, the quick-acting nutrients can be adsorbed or combined by the organic fertilizer, and then gradually released, which not only prolongs the time of fertilizer supply, but also reduces the unnecessary consumption of nutrients.

Improve fertilizer preparations and regulate peak fertilizer supply. One is to make several single varieties of fertilizer into a broad-spectrum compound fertilizer. The second is to make special fertilizers according to the fertilizer characteristics of crops. The third is to use a modified method to make quick-release fertilizers into slow-release fertilizers. The fourth is to combine inorganic fertilizer and bio-organic fertilizer into granular fertilizers with complementary advantages, such as bio-organic compound fertilizer, such as Enyuan enzyme, which can delay or delay the application time, so that the peak of fertilizer demand is consistent with the peak of fertilizer supply. The fertilizer effect of fertilizer.

Source: "Agricultural Resources Guide"
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