Farmhouse fertilizer and fertilizer mixed with different amounts of different amounts

There are many kinds of farmyard manure and wide sources, which are convenient for local materials and low cost. The nutrients contained in the farm are relatively comprehensive, but it is difficult to be directly absorbed and utilized by the crops. It must undergo chemical and physical action in the soil and ferment and decomposition of microorganisms to make nutrients. Gradually released. The effect of chemical fertilizer and farmyard manure application is better than that of chemical fertilizer or farmyard manure alone, but the following points should be noted when applying:
The application time of farmyard fertilizer is slow, and should be applied early. Generally, it is applied once before sowing. However, the amount of chemical fertilizer is small, and the effect is quick. Generally, it should be applied about 7 days before the peak of nutrient absorption.
Application method Farmyard manure should be combined with deep tillage into the soil tillage layer, or combined with ridges to buckle into the ridge bottom. 30% of the nitrogen fertilizer used in combination with farmyard manure is used as the base fertilizer, 70% is used as top dressing, and phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer are applied as base fertilizer at one time.
The application of quantitative fertilizers and farmyard manure application should be different according to the different crop and soil fertility. For example, if corn is planted on a thin ground, 4 cubic meters of farmyard manure, 24 kg of urea and 13 kg of phosphate fertilizer can be applied per acre, or Apply 15 kg of compound fertilizer 15-15-15. Medium-fertile soil can be applied to farmhouse manure 3 cubic meters, urea 20 kg, or 15-15-15 compound fertilizer 12 kg. High-fertility soil can be applied to farmer's fertilizer of 2.5 cubic meters and urea of ​​15 kilograms. Among them, urea is better applied when topdressing, and compound fertilizer is better as base fertilizer.
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