From the first floor to the sixth floor, tossing the dead my invincible cloakroom

Talk about my wardrobe today. This is my big love, invincible big locker. Although I did not pay homage to gold, my clothes did not eat much. Before my marriage, my mother said to her every day: When can you get a cupboard of clothes from your cabinet? This is no place to release. And before I go to work every day, I stand in front of the locker and my mother is helpless. Ask me, isn't it that you always stand in front of your wardrobe and feel that you don't have clothes you wear today? ..... Indeed, I live in such contradictions everyday...

How big is my home wardrobe? 9 meters, ah, haha, envy it ~ ~ ~ However, you must know that such a big wardrobe board on the sixth floor is a very painful thing. The closet is designed to help me design, very practical, there are a lot of partition space, there are a lot of crossbar hanging clothes. However, due to the fact that it is too big, it seems that all of them have been assembled with dozens of boards to be assembled successfully.

On the sixth floor of the plate, the master worker almost collapsed

Fuhai plate

I did not believe in evil at the time, but I had to think that it would be done in the morning. As a result, when the worker's master came, I was completely dumbfounded. The board of a car, when did it have to be lifted?

Ford family plate

Simple Style 30,000-50,000 Decoration One Room Stair Space Wood Furniture Furniture Cabinet

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