Kitchen design

Kitchen design refers to the reasonable layout of cabinets, kitchen utensils and various kitchen appliances according to their shape, size and usage requirements. It conducts scientific and rational design according to the height, color preference, cultural culture, cooking habits, kitchen space structure, lighting combined with ergonomics, ergonomics, engineering materials, and decorative arts of family members, so that harmony between science and art can be achieved. Unity is reflected in the kitchen.

General principles of kitchen design

1, operating platform height:

When working in the kitchen, the height of the operating platform plays a decisive role in preventing fatigue and turning around. When you bend your body forward 20 degrees for a long time, it will have a great load on your waist. Therefore, the height of the platform must be determined according to your height.

2, lighting layout:

The lighting of the kitchen needs to be divided into two levels: one is the lighting of the entire kitchen, and the other is the lighting of washing, preparation, and operation. The latter generally arranges partial lights in the lower part of the cabinet, sets up convenient switch gears, and the current well-functioning range hoods generally have lights, which are sufficient for cooking.

3, embedded in the cabinet of electrical equipment:

In the kitchen design of new homes, refrigerators, ovens, microwave ovens, and dishwashers can be placed in the proper positions in the cabinets for each person's different needs, so that they can be easily opened and used.

4, the best cabinet in the kitchen has a drawer:

The low cabinets in the kitchen are best made with push-pull drawers, so that it is easy to pick and place, and the vision is better. The wall cabinet is generally made of a 30-40 cm wide multi-layer lattice, the door is made of split, or folded sliding door form.

5, make full use of effective space:

The gap between the wall cabinet and the operation platform can generally be used, and it is easy to pick up some utensils needed for cooking in the middle, and some of them can also be used as simple rolling shutters to prevent dust from falling from small appliances. Such as food processing machines, toasters and so on.

6, children's safety protection:

Many places in the kitchen must be considered to prevent children from being at risk. If the necessary guardrails are set on the hearth to prevent the pots and bowls from falling, all kinds of washing products should be placed in special cabinets under the low cabinet (sinking pool). The knives and other utensils should be placed in a safe open drawer.

7, can sit and work:

A lot of work in the kitchen is completely dry, so that you can relax your spine, so set up an additional platform for you to sit and work.

8, garbage placement:

The amount of garbage in the kitchen is large, and the smell is also large. It is easy to place where it is easy to dump and hide. For example, on the low cabinet door under the sink, a trash can or a push-pull garbage drawer is provided.

Space Effect Picture Villa Design Space Arrangement Electrical Window Lighting Decoration Kitchen Kitchen Doors Roller shutters Drawer Cabinets Cabinets Doors Kitchen Cabinets Doors Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Cabinets Doors Floor Tiles Cupboard Doors Doors White Furniture Doors

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