How to prevent corn from being stalked

1. Choose good varieties. If there are problems with the intrinsic factors of corn seeds, after sowing, it is impossible to control the empty stalks, which will inevitably cause losses. Therefore, we must make a good selection. At present, there are many varieties of corn hybrids suitable for planting in various places. They should be selected in good condition and purchased in the reputable seed department. They should not be cheap, buy inferior seeds or even fake species. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
2. Reasonable close planting. The density of corn planting should be determined by the soil and fertilizer, depending on the species. It should not be too thin or too dense. To ensure that corn plants have good ventilation and light transmission conditions, meet the requirements of corn cob three-leaf light. It is best to use a wide and narrow row of planting methods. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
3. Strengthen the management of corn during the growth period. Such as time seedlings, fixed seedlings, choose to stay strong seedlings; do a good job of weeding and weeding; conscientiously control pests and diseases; increase fertilizer application, especially in fields with low soil fertility, should apply heavy base fertilizer, topdressing should be light and heavy, nitrogen, phosphorus, Potassium compounding should also be applied with appropriate micro-fertilizer, 0.5-1 kg of zinc sulfate per acre; reasonable irrigation, watering during seedling control, and timely irrigation after jointing. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
4. Implement manual assisted pollination. Before flowering, it can be detached from the male, and the long leaves can cut off the top 3-7 cm, making the filaments come out early, increasing the chance of pollination. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
5, the application of young panicle differentiation fertilizer and attacking fertilizer. The time is 5-7 days before the plant grows and develops into the ear and the ear, to raise the ear. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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