Simple but not simple Qijia users 30,000 yuan to get 75 flat old room hard

Netizen's reflection: Looking at the old house in my house from the demolition of the 70s to the now completely new look, can not help but feel filled with emotion. The house is small in size, but it has been for many years. Before the renovation, I ran a lot of decoration companies and finally set Ichao. I am a poor person, so I chose a simple style that is economical and easy to clean later. Buying materials are basically bought by the group, which also saves a lot of money. The budget is about 70,000 yuan. The end of the budget is only 30,000 yuan, which is far beyond my expectation. Perhaps this is the charm of group buying. .

[Unit type]: 2 rooms and 1 hall

[Building area]: 75

[Use area]: 60

[General budget for decoration]: 5.5W

【Subcontract method】: Half package

[Renovation project]: 2.8W

[style]: simple

[Renovation company]: Ichao

[Starting date]: 2009.9.7

Unopened kitchen.

Bathroom before renovation.

Brand Shop: Zhongtao Sanitary U.S. Standard Bathroom

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