Quest: The last mansion of the sexy goddess Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe is the “sex goddess” in the minds of most Americans. Blond hair, blue eyes, red lips, and white skirts that are blown by the wind are the most profound memory Marilyn Monroe has left in the hearts of the world. What kind of house would this kind of person live in? This time, Xiao Bian took everyone to visit the sexy goddess Marilyn Monroe, formerly a mansion in Brentwood.


Like Beverly, Brentwood has always been a favorite place for superstars. This one-storey building was built in 1929 and has a strong Spanish colonial style. Covers more than 23,000 square feet (2300 square meters). The luxury home includes a total of four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a spacious courtyard, lawn, woods, and Monroe's favorite broad bean-type swimming pool. Looking at the pictures, the layout of each room is very style. It can be seen that the big star is also very particular about the beauty and comfort of the home. With his special background and story, it can be said that the Brentwood mansion area is "a treasure. ".

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